Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You Can Calll These Boys a Bunch of Flamers.

An overnight prank at Central Connecticut State University led to the arrest of two students and a former student.The trio is accused of tying dorm room doors shut before setting off fire alarms. School officials said during the overnight hours Monday, the three students attached fishing link to the doors of seven dorm rooms, six of which were occupied by students.CCSU Spokesman Mark McLaughlin said the accused then set off the fire alarms by burning popcorn in a microwave. McLaughlin said some of the students were unable to evacuate their rooms when the fire alarm went off.

Baha. Very funny boys. You're fucking adorable. Before I get into this, I just wanna point out that I know of these kids. And there was a 2 week period where I consistently beat his ass in basketball in between my math and philosophy class. Like just mentally and physically dominating him. My man thought he would be cute and guard me because I was a little quiet at first. Let's just say he was a tad shocked when I'd step back for the 3-ball and then next time down the court use the pistol pete jab step and take it to the hole like I was a vintage stephon marbury. Yes, I also terrorized the poor bastard with stand up defense. So I can only think that this man had gone internally crazy and was using this awesome prank as a way to get back at me. Well jokes on you tough guy, I still live with my parents.

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