Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This just in, Calipari signs another prospect who can't even read

Top point guard recruit John Wall has told Kentucky coach John Calipari that he will sign with the Wildcats over Miami and Duke, according to multiple sources, ending a highly publicized courtship with the game-changing point guard.

Wall informed Miami coach Frank Haith Tuesday morning that he committed to Kentucky because he just wanted to play for Calipari.

Wohooooo! Derrick Rose version 2.0 if you ask me. I'm sick and tired of Johnny getting all these top recruits and doing nothing with them. Let's recall a Mr. DeJuan Wagner. Supposedly better than MJ, this guy went to Memphis on a full ride. His father was given a job as an assistant coach, his best friend who didn't even play basketball was given a scholarship, and now he doesn't even play in the NBA. Niceeeee. And if we want to look at intelligence levels, don't get me started. If anyone out there honestly believes that Joey Dorsey can recogninze his own name on a piece of paper, you're fucking wrong. Chris Douglas Roberts maybe, Derrick Rose most likely, but Joey Dorsey??? Hell no. Calipari used to have the lowest graduation rate for players in Division I basketball. Oh yeah, Robert Dozier. That kid struggles with single digit addition and you know it. I'm fucking done.

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