Monday, May 11, 2009

One Tree Hill Post A.K.A I Think I'm Gonna Love Weddings

My initial reaction? Typical. You had to see this mess coming. You go through 55 minutes of happy wedding bliss and hot boning only to come to Peyton bleeding from her vagina at the end of the episode. Let me repeat that. Bleeding from her cooter. I mean that type of thing doesn't usually kill females. Ok I'm about to vomit. Oh, and it was really sweet how they got their best friend to be the minister at the wedding. I've never seen that before. Oh. Wait. Wasn't Joey the minister in the wedding episode of Friends? Yup. I really got nothing else to rant on this episode. Except one thing. I think this Skills character is a pedophile. 2 weeks ago he goes to a school dance with a 5 year old kid. Last week he goes on a date with his teacher and another student. Odd? Tonight, the first scene we see him, he has the same kid he went to the dance with on a dog leash. Hmmmm. Listen, I don't know about Tree Hill but if that type of business wha going down in my town I think the villagers might start talking. And why does Nathan Scott think he's going to make it to the NBA? You're in the D-league bro and from what I've seen of your play, you haven't quite improved your game since high school. And that includes going to your left and finishing strong. Haley James proved why she's the hottest chick on the show tonight. I'll say no more on that. Honestly, this show is fucking stupid and I say this every time I watch it and I don't why I waste my time with it. Many would say the same thing after reading this blog everyday.

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