Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You Hit My Cat, I'll Hit Your Kid.

A Lodi woman posted a sign with the words, "Hit a cat, I'll hit your kid." Some neighbors said they are concerned their children's lives are being threatened."Basically what this is saying is: Hit a cat and I'll hit your kid," said Tina Teixeira.Teixeira got a lot of attention after she put the sign up in front of her West Elm Street home in Lodi, reported KCRA-TV in Sacramento, Calif."You don't want me to hit your kid, so don't hit mine. You hurt mine, that is just like if I went over and ran over your kid. Basically, that is what I was intending," said Teixeira.Teixeira said she decided to take action after a driver ran over and killed her cat on the bike lane on Friday.Some parents were outraged over her cardboard note."Basically she is threatening to hit people's kids," said neighbor Joann Larsen.

I don't see the issue here. You hit the cat and Tina is gonna lay the smack down on your toddler. I just didn't know that putting a sign out in your yard was the correct protocol for this sort of operation. Because where I come from, yeah on carriage drive, if any motherfucker wants to come into my yard, they know they're gonna get the horns. It's like in baseball when a pitcher throws at a guy to protect his players. Yeah, hey, you wanna throw your tennis balls at little Brady and pretend he's a dog? Maybe poke at him and chase him around like a fucking circus freak? Make fun of his extra long fur coat? Well I'm gonna come over into your family room and start smacking your 3 year old baby brother in the face with a baseball bat. Maybe even poke your mother in the ass with my own stick. Yeah, it's gonna get that serious bitches. I took that too far? No I don't think so. You should get inside my head right now and see what I really wanted to to write. Google felching(don't). Do it(no). I'll wait(I wont). That's just a little sneak peak into how this mind works. It's OK. The people that needed to hear this did and that's the end of it. Now you know to not fuck with us.

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