Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Now That's A Different Kind Of Bling Bling

The Selig family has taken the idea of doing something nice for mothers on Mother's Day to another level.Barbara and Sharran Selig said they developed the idea for the Mother's Day Giveaway as a way of thanking military families for their sacrifices, which may be overlooked in day-to-day life.Held in memory of Bill Selig, Barbara's husband, the two women plan to give pearl necklaces on Saturday to the first 1,000 wives and mothers of those serving in the military that can't be home for Mother's Day."We all just seem to go about our business, and we do forget about the wives, daughters, children of the veterans, the soldiers that are over there fighting," Barbara Selig said.

I'll give ya a pearl necklace. That's gross? You're damn right it is and I apologize. You have to admit you saw that one cumming. I mean coming. Oh stop it, rza. I really don't care about this story. I just needed an excuse to post a sexual joke and I refuse to read any news on Brett Favre. Why? Because that is exactly what ESPN would want me to do. Another offseason of nothing was upon us but they gotta fill that time slot of NFL Live every fucking night so they bring the golden boy of the media along with them. Whatever. The two women plan to give pearl necklaces on saturday to the first 1000 wives and mothers. Just keep repeating that line to yourself. When you google pearl necklace the first 2 related searches that they show are pearls and facials. 14 year old boys are giggling in the back corner of the classroom everywhere.

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