Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hell no

The old Yankee Stadium hosted some of college football's greatest moments. The new Yankee Stadium might also host college football -- and the Fighting Irish are interested in writing the first chapter in its gridiron history, the school's athletic director said, according to The New York Times.

While stressing that no dates have been discussed, Notre Dame AD Jack Swarbrick said the Yankees are open to college football at the new stadium. The school has been in touch with the Yankees to express its interest in being one of the first two teams to play there, according to the report.

Look, I used to be a baseball fan. I used to be a Yankee fan. I was never a Notre Dame drunken Irish fan. No way in hell would I want those bunch of scrubs playing in the House that Ruth Built. Are you kidding me? I've never heard anything more ludicrous except Ludacris. Maybe a good football team like those boys from Florida should play up there, I might be okay with that. But Charlie will not be tearing any ACLs in the Bronx. This pisses me right off. Two Notre Dame posts in one week! That's how much I despise them. I hope Kyle McAlarney and his lover Luke Harangody read this. I know your mothers can go seven deep, but where did that get you in this year's NCAA tournament? Oh wait, you made the NIT, SCORE! I would put each one of you into the wall. I'm pissed.

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