Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We'll Call It a Date

Michael Vick met Tuesday with former Colts coach Tony Dungy at the federal prison in Leavenworth, Kan. "I can confirm that Michael met with Coach Dungy," Vick's agent, Joel Segal, said. "The discussions were private, but the meeting was very positive."

Before I start hurting peoples feelings and getting you pissed off, let me make one thing clear. 1) New layout. New title. New colors. Same me. Needs more people. 2) I got a love thing for Tony Dungy. I've liked him ever since his days in Tampa. Yes, I'm aware he coached the Colts and Peyton Manning. I'm not retarded. But Dungy is the definition of a class act. What's the deal with all these private meetings today? And what business does a good christian boy like Dungy have with a scum bag like Vick? I know, I know, "rza wasn't you're fantasy football team named Bad Newz Kennelz, the same as Michael Vicks dog fighting ring?" Yes it was. But the fact of the matter is I spent my sundays cleaning up the espn fantasy football leagues, not getting pounded in the ass by some leader of the aryan brotherhood because I had a strange infatuation with fighting and killing dogs. What the fuck? Yes, exactly. What the fuck Tony? Don't waste your time. The bottom line is when it comes to Michael Vick, God's grace lost and the devil is proud. Thank you, Dave Matthews Band.

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