Friday, May 1, 2009


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think the C's lost last night. Maybe. Not quite sure. Hasn't exactly sunk in yet. You'll have to excuse me today, I still think this is just a bad dream. Like did Tony Allen really play that much last night? And could Paul Pierce really be to blame for that epic loss? Yeah, he hit some big shots but he also missed some big shots. I think he took and missed 5 huge buckets in the last 2 overtimes. And where was Ray Allen? You fucking feed the hot hand. A man has 51 points and he's not your first option on every play? Classic tomfoolery. We're really going into a game 7 with the baby bulls and that shit just pisses me the fuck off. I just want 5 minutes in a room with Joakim Noah and I swear that long haired prince will not come out alive. Some would say the story ends with him going through a wall. Some would be correct in that sense.

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