Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's Getting Hot In Here. I May Or May Not Take Off All My Clothes.

"It's the playoffs," Bryant said, "this is what it's about." "I knew I was going to get a technical foul. The point was to let the refs know this guy was elbowing me," he said. "I know I went over there with no punches, no shoves to the face, just a confrontation. I told him, 'You're hitting the wrong person. Don't you know you're hitting Ron Artest?' I'm not retaliating, I'm done with that."

Oooohhh babyyyyy this is playoff basketball. C's won in a blowout last night. If you didn't see that one coming then you're just an ignorant fool. The way that team stormed back in the 2nd half of game 1 was nothing short of dare I say, extraordinary.You don't come into the house of the defending champs and walk away without a flesh wound. And someone needs to remind Rafer Alston he's nothing but an ex-streetballer and that's exactly where he belongs. But Lets get into the best series to watch. Ron Ron Vs. Kobe. I love it when these 2 fools get together. I want to hate Kobe but I can't. I want to hurt him but I'm all set. Quite frankly, I think I love him. He's too fucking fun to watch. But what business does he have throwing the elbow into Artest? Don't you know that boy is Ron Artest? Let me repeat that. That's Ron Artest. I'm surprised Kobe is still alive after last night. I never thought anyone could violate that man and be able to tell about it. You know what's cool though about Kobe? He said he didn't think Artest should have been ejected. I'd put money on it that Stan Van Gundy would be at the mic, complaining about Artest, saying he doesn't belong in the game, waaahhh waahhhh, give me my bottle, boo fucking hoo. So many emotions running through me right now. I'm spent.

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