Monday, May 18, 2009

So You Guys Like To Party?

A senior couple from Griswold was arrested in Arkansas after police said they were found with more than 200 pounds of marijuana.Police said Arthur Scherp Sr., 71, and his wife, Helen Scherp, 69, were stopped by state troopers as they traveled through Arkansas last week in a Dodge Ram 3500 and towing a camper.According to the police report, the couple was acting nervous when they were pulled over on Interstate 40 east. The report said the couple was cited for several motor-vehicle violations.The report said the man and the woman also gave a "nonsensical" story about their travel plans, but agreed to let officers inspect their vehicle.Police said that's when 219 pounds of marijuana was found in the bed of the couple's truck. The police report states that Arthur Scherp said he was transporting the goods for someone for $5 thousand.

I'm gonna go out on a whim here and say this couple likes to smoke a little weed. After 200 pounds you get that sort of impression from these clowns. Which part of the story do you think was "nonsensical"? The fact that they were in Arkansas or that he was getting absolutely robbed by selling pulling 200 pounds for only 5 g's? I mean I get it but I don't get it. How old are these fuckers? Oh, you're addicted to marijuana? Time to grow the fuck up. It's not the 70's or whatever. The days of being young and committed and numerous possibilities are over. You're nothing but a weak human being if you're addicted to that petty shit and you have no positive contribution to society. Therefore you should be shot. That goes for everyone. Stop self medicating yourself and get in touch with reality. And if not, then I hope your first born child has 1 arm or is disabled in ways that I can't imagine. Hey, when you're on the ground coughing up a black lounge, I wont be the guy to step on your throat and put you out of your misery. Nope. You deserve to suffer. I'm out fuckers.

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