Thursday, May 14, 2009

The New Kid

Yes boys and girls, this blog has a new writer. A writer that will be attending the 'Cuse this fall. His name is Michael "Can I broadcast that?" Cohen. And it feels so good.

Well, I am Michael, and may I just say that I drank a big ole cup of haterade this morning. Bear with me.

I would like to start off by saying Ron Artest's hair is the best thing in basketball since the bandwade. Since his days with the Pacers, Ron-Ron has been displaying his feelings to the world.

Tru Warier? That's right folks. Everyone knows that Kobe is about ready to go Eagle County Colorado on this guy. Would you want to be guarded by him? The man went into the stands and started throwing haymakers for crying out loud!

Second, I don't care about baseball. Rza loves the Sox, so I will let him handle that sport. I used to like the Yankees, then they spent more money than Mike Tyson. I like sports, not shopping sprees.

Third, To quote this blog's original founder, "How does our ass taste, Big East conference?"

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