Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Can't Think Of A Crafty Title For This One So I'll Just Yell Ballsack As Loud as Possible.

NEW YORK -- Jason Rosenberg was heading home and listening to satellite radio when he heard that Manny Ramirez was fourth among National League outfielders in initial All-Star voting. By the end of the night, a new Web site was born: Vote for Manny. "I said it would be funny if Manny got elected, because he's coming off a suspension on July 3 and the All-Star Game is a week later, so they don't even have that sort of built-in protection," the 39-year-old from suburban Ardsley said Wednesday. "So I got home, and just quickly threw a Web site together." Rosenberg got up and running Tuesday night, designed to point out that MLB has no rule preventing players coming off drug suspensions from becoming All-Stars. It links to an online All-Star ballot and implores fans: "Remember, vote early and often!"

This motherfucker puts togethert a blog about voting for some piece of shit baseball player and he gets a mention on ESPN? Are you fucking kidding me? You're telling me that 4 months ago when I wanted Stephon Marbury in the All Star game that all I had to do was mention it on this blog and I would be on ESPN, thus making girls twice as likely to felace me? I don't know what to think anymore. I guess next you're gonna tell me that that weather isn't perfect the day that you die. I mean I think there is a time in every mans life where they can look at and call it a turning point. A point of no return. Ask for a mulligan perhaps. And today is certainly that day for me. Excuse me, I'll just go fuck myself.

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