Thursday, May 7, 2009


Major League Baseball is expected to announce Thursday that Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Manny Ramirez has tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs and will be suspended for 50 games, The Los Angeles Times is reporting. Ramirez's suspension is expected to be announced Thursday, The Times said.

WOW. WOW. Is there even a god? Does true love exist? As a sox fan you love it to a certain point. To a big point. I'm thrilled this shit isn't going down in Boston. But ManRam was the guy you couldn't hate. He was too silly, just wanted to hug him then beat the shit out of him. So much for being the best pure hitter in the game I guess. I don't what else to say; this one just hits too close to home. I'm gonna sit the next few plays out and maybe come back next week when I got my legs under me. Ahhh what am I saying. Fuck Manny. You ran yourself out of Boston and now I hope you run yourself right out of baseball and out of the Hall of Fame.

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