Thursday, May 28, 2009

Woman Says Bite Me. Cop Bites Her.

An analyst at the Connecticut Police Academy says a co-worker responded literally to her "bite me" remark and chomped on her. Former Waterbury police Capt. Francis Woodruff was charged Tuesday with disorderly conduct and released on a promise to appear in court. He's accused of biting academy license and applications analyst Rochelle Wyler on April 24. A police arrest report says Wyler had teeth marks and bruising on the back of her left arm. Wyler's complaint alleges Woodruff was annoying her by calling her a clerk. She says she responded with "bite me" -- and he did.

What did this female officer was going to happen? Let's be honest for a second. I think it's safe to say that most cops weren't in the top 30 of their graduating class. With that being said, you tell a pig to bite ya, that motherfucker is gonna chomp on you like white on rice. Piggy smells bacon baby. Baha. I got nothing else. I think this story speaks for itself. All she wants to do is dance.

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