Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hey NFL, You're All Fucked.

This week, when New England starts full-roster organized training activities (OTAs), Brady will step into the huddle with the entire offense for the first time since he tore his left anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament in the 2008 season opener. (Last week's sessions were for rookies, free agents and select veterans returning from injury, with Brady and his top receivers working in seclusion.) The quarterback acts and sounds as if he wished the Buffalo game were tomorrow. In his first extended interview since he got hurt, Brady told SI that his recovery is on schedule, he's running and cutting without pain or restricted movement, and he has no ill effects from two follow-up procedures to flush out a postop staph infection in the knee. In fact, calling the last eight months "the halftime of my career," Brady said, "I want to play another 10 years." He was convincing when he said he was "as confident as anyone could be that I'll be ready to play, back to playing normally, when the seasons starts. I've done everything I could to push myself, sometimes too hard. Right now, I'm doing everything. Literally everything. There's nothing I can't do."

Is this the greatest news I have heard in the past 4 months? Yup. Before I read this I was about to murder a small family of 7. Yeah, the kind that plays with their children and dog, behind the white picket fence as the laughter of an innocent child echoes throughout the cool spring breeze. I was that kind of pissed. But it's a new day. I really don't see any other team even coming close to the level that the Pats are going to be playing next year. If Tom Brady says there is nothing he can't do then there is literally nothing he can't do. You name it and that motherfucker is going to get the job done quicker then you can say jumpin jack flash. This isn't some immature young QB coming off an ACL surgery. This is the 3 time super bowl champion, 2 time superbowl MVP, and 2007 league MVP. This is the greatest player to ever lace them up when it's all said and done. Fuck montana, fuck Favre, fuck Elway. What is there not to like about the guy? He's a fantastic father(I would imagine) and he's dating a super model who used to bone Leonardo Dicaprio. Yeah, he's tapping Leo's girl. And he's just so fucking cute. And he's just so fucking good. Gaahhhhhhh.

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