Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ummmmm I Don't Get It

Long story, short: I'm running the blog game right now and I have no fucking clue why. Those fucks over at BJD can suck my right nut because they don't deserve to taste my left one. It's bonkers. I leave for a week, average about 1.5 posts a day, get into a bit of a blog squabble and my page views go up by like 1,700? I don't get it. And it's not like I was writing knockout posts that would blow your dick off and one was enough. Nope. Most of them were alcohol induced or just plain lazy. Not funny, not insightful, not hard hitting. It was all forced. Pretty much wrote like I was sitting on a 1 touchdown lead with 2:09 left on the clock. I don't understand it and I don't fucking appreciate it. Do people like me when I'm producing 8 foot long shitters? Should I just not try anymore? Makes you wonder. I'm losing my edge and inspiration while my readership is the highest it's ever been. Story of my life.

P.S. You're still making as much money off this thing as I am. That's the shit that keeps me up at night.

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