Sunday, July 17, 2011

Most AntiClimactic Sporting Event Ever.

I like Darren Clarke. Seems like a good guy and all that shit but where was the drama? Where was the Sunday charge from the dude everyone is afraid of? Oh that's right. He was injured back home in Florida. It's clear golf blows dick without El Tigre. That's just a fact. Every week it's some bullshit feel good story. We need the bad boy that makes mothers lock their daughters up at night. The Media tried to cling onto sqeaky clean Rory after the US Open but he's revealed himself to be too much of a child still and Phil will froever be Phil. Always the bridesmaid never the bride. Maybe it's me but the British Open was boring to watch today. You knew Mickelson was done after he lost the lead on 10 or whatever and Dustin Johnson was finished before he even teed off today. Dude is a pussy. You say pressure situation and he starts running for the clubhouse. What's the point? I miss Tiger so much it hurts.

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