Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Check Out These Morons

The hidden gem of the internet on hot days is those photo galleries on WFSB that people send in to show you how they're staying cool in the heat wave. Just look at this dumb broad with the upside down sunglasses. Is that supposed to be funny or is she just an idiot? What's the thought process that goes through people's minds when submitting pictures? Are you sitting in the pool and all of sudden you're like, "Oh man, Scott Haney has to see this! Dennis House get a load of us!" And you have to think they put every picture on the site because there can't be that many dorks who do this, right? I don't know. Kind of makes me want to go sit next to a sprinkler, put whipped cream on my chest with cherries on my nipples and send it in just to see if I make it on the picture gallery.

P.S. It's actually my dream to be randomly interviewed by a news station. I'll be pumping gas and Rachel Slutzker starts asking about prices or something. The amount of sexual innuendos and inside jokes I'd use is unfathomable. Is that a word or did I pull it out of my sweet candy ass?

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