Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's T-Shirt/Jersey Shore Season 4 Italy Trailer Tiiiimmmeee!

jersey shore season 4 trailer italy jwoww situation
Jersey Shore Season 4 starts in two weeks (Thursday August 4 at 10pm on MTV) and the trailer was just released. I'd like to start out by saying, "I'm sorry Italy". Actually, no I'm not. I'm sorry that I'm not sorry. Everyone needs a dose of the Jersey Shore cast. It's a rite of passage and you're life can't move on without having experienced it. Sort of like a Bar Mitzvah or getting your first haircut.

As long as JWoww and her boobies are going to Italy I'll be watching. Everyone keeps saying how Jersey Shore sucks now and they can't stand it but I don't expect anything out of it other than being entertained by wild drunken meat heads for an hour a week. And entertained by wild drunken meat heads for an hour a week is exactly what I get. Fights? Snooki crashing into cop cars? A lack of understanding of the English language? Roid rage? Ronnie knocking out Situation? Producers reminding everyone of the enormous episode checks so that they become friends again? Bring it on!

P.S. Situation, wtf is that haircut bro? You look like Mr. Spock meets Lloyd Christmas.

jersey shore season 4 trailer italy jwoww situation

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