Monday, July 26, 2010

Bieber Has a New Video Out and Nobody Told Me?

-Well this starts off in typical Usher fashion. Dancing, dancing, random hands groping you while you sing. That's usually how a night at Room 960 goes, too.

-Is it just me or has the Bieb stepped up his dancing skills? He's come a long way since playing xbox 360 at Usher's house party. It's like once society accepted him, he decided to start throwing 7 different kinds of smoke at us. We're not worthy!

-At the :25 second mark did that 30 year old girl just simulate giving him a bj?

-Usher comes in and breaks out 3 asians who all look the same. But that's not his fault. ALL asians look the same, not just them.

-The song is called "Somebody to love" and all I've seen so far is like 10 dudes dancing like a bunch of assholes. Seriously. Who dances like this? Stop showing off, bro. Go find a girl and grind your dick up on her like us normal folk.

-What happened at the 2:05 mark? Did Bieber get sent to oriental hell? Oh, I guess oriental hell is also more commonly known as North Korea. Or Hiroshima. Whoops. He just wants somebody to love!

-I wanna know how many dancers in that video are under the age of 18. You're not fooling anybody with those faggy ninja turtle back packs.

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