Monday, July 19, 2010

Pitt Player Throws Dude Through a Window. Didn't That Happen On One Tree Hill?

PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh defensive end Jabaal Sheard has been suspended indefinitely after being accused of throwing another man through the glass door of an art gallery.  Police say Sheard was in a fight early Sunday and had to be pepper sprayed after he threw the man through the door of La Fond Galleries. Pitt spokesman E.J. Borghetti says Sheard has been suspended from team activities while the athletic department investigates.

Well that's no way to behave at an art gallery! People always wanna say how classy or un-classy I am but you won't see me acting out at an art gallery. No way. I save that shit for backyard games or steel cage matches with the animals. A perfect example is this. Would you wear your tuxedo t-shirt to a wedding? Absolutely not. But would you cut the sleeves off of it and rock it at the after party in the hotel room? Uhh I think I'd be offended if you didn't. And I'm not blaming this poor kid named Jabaal for throwing a dude through a window. That's what we call going into beast mode and anyone with competitive fire is prone to an outburst once a year. It just sucks that it happened at an art gallery because he probably got no support from the crowd. You wanna do it at my party? Great. I'll whoop and yell all night. Beers on me. Shatter glass at an art gallery and you get people in tight jeans who listen to Morrisey saying things like "ugh, that's rather posh." Seriously, though. What the fuck was a Pitt football player doing at an art gallery? If you're trying to tell me he wasn't in it for some pussy, I aint buying it.

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