Saturday, July 31, 2010

Albert Haynesworth Fails Physical AGAIN

And this time not just at life. A friend of mine's facebook status once read: "Dear Albert Haynesworth, FUCK OFF. From, the world." I think this perfectly epitomizes everybody's feelings to this overpaid, overweight, piece of shit. At first he refuses to participate in voluntary team workouts because he is so upset with having to play in the team's new 3-4 defense (the Redskins previously used a 4-3). Now the fat fuck makes it to training camp, but is so out of shape from missing team work outs, he can't even pass the conditioning tests to be allowed to practice. Apparently you're suppose to run a 100 yard sprint, get a 2.5 minute break, and then run it again. But after his first attempt, Haynesworth went to the bathroom for 10 minutes. What did he think he was gonna say? "Sorry coach really had to take a shit." Everybody knows your fat ass went in there to eat another doughnut. I wish we could trade this shit head but the ridiculous amount of money he's getting means nobody would ever take him.

Albert Haynesworth Fails Physical washington redskins nfl
He didn't have to take the test today, instead just stood on the sideline in his jersey and a ball cap. Because he's a tool. Dbag. Asshole. Fuck you Haynesworth.

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