Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wait. Is This Serious? Is This Real Life? Where's Dick Cheney When You Need Him?

(CBS)  There's a heated debate in New York over plans to build a mosque near the World Trade Center site.  Opponents call it a mosque that's in the worst possible place. "This site should be turned into a museum," said one New Yorker.  Supporters call it a cultural center in the best spot to encourage understanding.  "If a mosque were built then you guys would know what Islam is about," said mosque advocate Dania Darwish.  At issue, a building in lower Manhattan, the proposed site of a 13-story community center and Islamic prayer space, reports CBS News correspondent Jeff Glor.  "This is the Muslim community's effort to rebuild Manhattan," said Park 51 Project spokeswoman Daisy Khan.  The controversy is that it's only two blocks from ground zero. Tthis week Sarah Palin upped an already raucous debate when on Twitter she called on "peaceful" Muslims to "refudiate" the plan, calling it "a stab in the heart" for America. 

I don't like getting political and I absolutely despise Sarah Palin because she's a fucking retard but when you're right, you're right. Preach, baby girl! Preach! I understand that most Muslims are peaceful little creatures and it's wrong to stereotype all arabs as terrorists but if it smells like a rat and it looks like a rat then it's probably a rat. I mean desperate times call for desperate measures. You wanna pray to Buddha or Allah or talk about some asshole named Muhammed then be my guest but don't for a second think it's OK to get your religion on near Ground Zero. Put your five pillars into the ground and I'll come up there and rip it and shove it right up your candy ass. Sex offenders aren't allowed near high schools and muslims shouldn't be allowed to thump their Qu'oran  or whatever the fuck its called near our sacred ground.

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