Friday, July 30, 2010

The Daily Grind - With Your Host: Carlos Bloganegra

sports betting bets daily picks boston red sox cardinals phillies
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, ladies and gents. I've made over two thousand dollars off of the novelty website - where you try and turn 10 cents into big money. I'm here to show you some tricks of the trade aka give you my picks and let you take the glory. Every single day. Billy Blog's picks just weren't cutting it so he asked me to take the reins. I am the swami. The wizard. The chosen one. The alpha and the omega. I am...Carlos Bloganegra. The format for picks will be fine-tuned over the next few days and will most likely feature an additional column on the side of the blog as well as short analysis for each pick. Here are the picks for day 1:

Phillies (moneyline) vs. Nationals - 7:05 PM (MLB) - Oswalt's first start and the Nats suck. Simple.

Tigers vs. Red Sox (moneyline) 7:10 PM (MLB) - I'm just going to stack the record with easiness.

Orioles (+1.5) vs. Kansas City Royals 8:10 PM (MLB) -Yo ho OOOOOOOOO's

Pirates vs. Cardinals (-1.5) 8:15 PM (MLB) - Chris Carpenter vs. a team with a 36-65 record. Just sayin'.

A couple things to note here is that I'm obviously picking very easy games, and only took the moneyline to improve my record early on. I'm trying to sneak this by you. Also, you'll quickly find that I'm both better at picking baseball games and sexier than Billy Blog Thornton.


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