Thursday, July 22, 2010

Carl Crawford Gets Nailed in the Nuts, Don Mattingly is an Idiot

In addition to all of the fantasy baseball action that happened Tuesday/Wednesday (which you can see in the post below) there were a few awesome highlights. As a Red Sox fan it gives me great pleasure whenever someone on the Rays gets hurt. When that person gets nailed in the nuts with a baseball it makes me even happier. It's incredible that a nut shot to even the biggest of dudes will immediately cripple them.

You might need to pay attention to this next one because it gets a little bit confusing. During the 7th inning of Tuesday's Giants vs. Dodgers game Clayton Kershaw was ejected for intentionally hitting Aaron Rowand. Joe Torre came out to argue and was also tossed. Don Mattingly took over as manager for the game. In the 9th inning closer Jonathan Broxton loaded the bases with a 5-4 lead and 1 out.

Mattingly came out to the mound for a visit and started to head back to the dugout. He took 1 step off the dirt when James Loney said something to get his attention. Mattingly turned back and stepped back onto the mound. The rules state that a manager is allowed 1 visit to the mound each inning and on the 2nd visit you must replace your pitcher. Giants manager Bruce Bochy threw a shit fit and pointed it out to the umpire who confirmed that Broxton had to be replaced. George Sherrill was brought in but didn't have time to warm-up. A double, ground out and a single later gave the Giants a 7-5 win.

Mattingly is supposed to take over as Dodgers manager for Torre after the season. Awesome job Donald!

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