Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Does Buying These Make Me an Awful Fan/Human Being?

Long story short. I walked into Footlocker today and asked the clerk if he can find me a sneaker that would increase my speed without leaving any tracks. He pointed me to the Kobe Zoom V. I hate LA, I hate all of Kobe's teammates and I hate playing against him. But here's the kicker; I don't hate Kobe. Did he rape a girl? Yes and she was white. Terrible crime. But is he the best player in the game? Yup and growing up at the tail end of the Jordan era there was nobody left for us to worship. Then as we became young adults Kobe evolved. He  was the guy, the dude, the one and still is. So yeah take my fan card but I love Kobe. I admire the shit out of him. He's a fucking weirdo who has no friends and is probably a bit of a loner but he doesn't give a fuck what you think and that's exactly what puts him above the rest. And his sneakers are fucking dope.

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