Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Did I Really Just See This On SportsCenter?

You gotta be kidding me. I'm not saying the catch wasn't impressive or anything but give me a fucking break. The show is called SportsCenter. Not JV club activities for every kid that couldn't cut it on the real playing field with the big boys. I have absolutely no respect for Ultimate Frisbee players. Or homeless people but that's another rant for another time. They walk around, acting like their too cool for school but at the end of the day they couldn't throw a football or catch a baseball to save their lives. Congrats, you can fling a plastic disk across a field. You know who else can do that? Blind people. And if you're gonna sit there and tell me Ray Charles could beat me 1 on 1 on the hardwood then you're sadly mistaken. Gotta be an athlete to win those games and you gotta be a queer to take frisbee seriously. You must train really hard in order to do that. Oh, you don't? You mean you're just a loser who plays a boring game while you listen to Blues Traveler? Well, sign me up! Dorks.

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