Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We're All OK

ESPN NFL insider Adam Schefter joined the Dennis & Callahan show Monday morning to talk about Tom Brady’s contract talks. Schefter is much more optimistic than others who have indicated the QB is unhappy with the Patriots. Schefter said he believes Brady is on schedule to be signed before Colts quarterback Peyton Manning. “On the basis of everything I’ve heard this weekend, it sounds like the Patriots and Tom Brady are furthest along at this point in time,” Schefter said. “It sounds like something definitely can get wrapped up here this summer.” Added Schefter: “I did not get the sense that it is imminent, but I did get the sense it’s certainly possible in the next few weeks.” Schefter said he believes concerns about the collective bargaining agreement and how it will affect the salary cap are slowing down the process.

So Brady's contract is actually making progress? And he's actually not unhappy because he's the greatest guy ever? What? Is this seriously news to people?  ESPN and their gossip loving bosses can talk about how Tom Terrific might hold out from training camp and how he's pissed about his contract and all that bullshit but the real fans knew what the fuck was up all along. You don't win 3 super bowls, bag yourself a kid with a smoking hot actress then knock up a super model by being a bad dude. You do that by being the coolest person ever and that's exactly who Tom is. Yeah, maybe his celebrity status has gone up over the years and he's frequently featured on TMZ but do you actually think he gives a fuck about that shit? All that guy cares about is getting on the field and winning games. Obviously he wants to get paid like a superstar but he won't whine and bitch about it. That's just not his style. He's the ultimate professional. Tom is happy, I'm happy.

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