Thursday, July 29, 2010

Heidi and Spencer are Still Together - SHOCKER

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are Still Together
Yes, this is a current picture of Spencer - taken a few days ago.

After all of the news of a split between Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt there are now reports that it was fake and they are still together. I know what you are thinking, "Their split was fake? No way! That is shocking!" but alas yes, it was all fake - sort of like that show they used to be on. Apparently Heidi's friend Lauren Stone (whoever the hell that is) stopped by her house and Spencer was there. She tells RadarOnline...
“I saw Spencer, he seems really normal. He actually showed us his new project he’s working on. He showed us a clip of the movie. I thought it was really funny. I think it’s about a lifeguard that’s trying to get girls. And the lifeguard is kinda of like a douche-bag type of guy, not too cool.”
There's a few problems I have with what she has to say. 1) Spencer can never seem "normal". The man is fucked three ways towards the weekend. 2) His project is about a douche-bag lifeguard trying to get chicks. Ummmm, is he just keeping a journal of his day-to-day activities and trying to turn it into a movie? If his project is anything other than that I think we should all be worried about our general safety. Stone then talked about how Heidi seemed to be doing fine when she said...
“She’s telling us how she’s gardening a lot and writing music and she seems to be really happy.”
Oh jesus. Not writing music. Anything but writing music. I would rather see Susan Boyle naked than listen to a Heidi Montag song, especially one that she wrote. If this is what we get when "professionals" write songs for her god only knows what she will write. At least this post gives me a good excuse to post this picture again.

*Click to enlarge those bad boys*

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are Still Together

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