Monday, March 15, 2010

A Week of Missed T.V.

We have been on hiatus for just over a week because of spring break but are back and will begin posting today. I missed a lot of t.v. episodes the past week and am catching up now. Rather than write long episode reviews for everything I missed during break I am just going to write short summaries in one post because you probably don't want to read 10 entire posts anyways.

How I Met Your Mother ("Of Course")
Again, no progress on finding out who the mother is but Ted had a hilarious musical scene about a "super date". Jennifer Lopez was the guest star and played an author of a book teaching women to lead men (namely Barney) on. There was shameless promotion for J-Lo's new movie "The Back-up Plan" during the commercials. I'm not sure if she needs all the promotion since all her movies tend to be Oscar worthy (cough, Gigli, Jersey Girl, cough). /sarcasm. The episode did hammer home the fact that ignoring women and telling them no works better than any pickup line. There isn't a new episode tonight so we will have to wait until next week. Manliness Scale: 7

Here is "The Back-up Plan" trailer if you are interested. I'll probably end up seeing it since it is a romantic comedy.

The Big Bang Theory ("The Precious Fragmentation")
The entire episode is about the guys finding one of 9 rings made for The Lord of the Rings and trying to decide which one gets to keep it. There were some funny lines and the episode was pretty good overall. Manliness Scale: 5

Scrubs ("Our Driving Issues") - This is the first new episode since January 26 so I was getting anxious (even though this season is radically different than all the others). Cole used the T-Pain auto-tune app (which if you don't have I highly suggest buying) on his iPhone . It is awesome. Dr. Cox asks a student to "set my DVR to record Big Bang Theory, the whole world is watching this thing and I got to know why". The episode ends with a hilarious but worthwhile note about preventing skin cancer. Manliness Scale: 6

The Office ("The Delivery")
This was the episode we have all been waiting for because Jim and Pam's baby is born. It was an hour long episode that was both funny and touching. The first half of the episode was in the office with Pam trying to delay her trip to the hospital until midnight so she could stay there one extra night. Michael was hilarious acting like a relevant part of the whole process and even tries to be the office matchmaker. After the baby was born Pam accidentally breast feeds the wrong baby which leads to an "oh-no!!" moment but luckily the other family doesn't figure it out. Below is Andy's awesome "Evolution of Dance Dance" he does to distract Pam from her contractions. Manliness Scale: 5

The Office ("St. Patrick's Day")
As you can, hopefully, tell by the title, it is St. Patrick's Day at the office. Andy talks about his date with Erin saying, "Erin and I have our first date tonight and it has to be perfect. Why? Because according to How I Met Your Mother, that's the date that your kids are gonna wait patiently to hear about and you better have a good story for them". What is it with episodes talking about the CBS sitcoms lately?? Are they jealous because they get more viewers than they do? David Koechner (as Todd Paker) makes an appearance and answers Michael's call with "What's up butt plug?". That happens to be one of my roommates favorite sayings and I recommend you incorporate it into your vocabulary. Manliness Scale: 6

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