PORT LUDLOW, Wash. -- A Washington state homeowner says he left his front door open for his own cats. He wasn't expecting a 35-pound bobcat to walk in, but that's what happened. The Port Ludlow resident told animal control officers he watched the wild cat jump over a couch, climb over a big screen TV and then jump up to a loft, where it made itself at home. Washington Fish and Wildlife Officer Win Miller says the bobcat apparently felt safe upstairs. With the help of a tranquilizer gun, animal
This story really had 3 major things that stuck out in my mind. First, the wildlife officer is named Win. that's awesome. I can guarantee you that dude doesn't take shit from anybody. Probably something like a Ron Swanson or Duke Silver character. You gotta be all business with a name like Win. And of course he has to make himself sound smart so he comes up with some crazy theory like, "the bobcat apparently felt safe upstairs." Fantastic reasoning on his part. You don't become Washington Fish and Wildlife Officer on accident. Second part that really slapped me in the dick was the cat was named 'Boo Boo.' We have to do better than that, people. But whatever, I won't be the asshole outside of my house calling for 'boo boo' to come insideg and have all the neighbors stare at me. And finally, the bobcat knew what the fuck it was doin. Walked inside, jumped the couch, climbed over the TV and hopped into bed. My kind of lady. I do like a little ESPN before I get tucked in, though.
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