Hodgson said: "You've got to remember the Fulham fans loved Jimmy Bullard and they weren't very happy when he refused to sign a new contract with Fulham and went to Hull for an awful lot more money so I don't think I can really criticise them. Jimmy knew what he was doing. I don't think he came up here to better his football, he came up here because there was a lot more money on offer, and that's what our fans choose to remind him of from time to time. I don't expect Fulham fans to be anything other than disappointed in him."
I have to admit, i know nothing about this guy, but i dont like him. He represents everything that's wrong with sports today. It's all about the benjamins and it sickens me. They get paid millions, and theyre never happy. It's always more, more, more. The fans had every right to boo him. They loved you Jimmy. They loved you. That's why i love European soccer though. The fans are so passionate and they let you know it. I've seen fans practically break stadiums becuase they get so hyped up. Bullard should be happy that all he got was booed. If i were a Fulham fan, let's just say that Bullard wouldnt be walking off that pitch without a couple of his feelings hurt, and he would be afraid to fall asleep that night. You can't mess around if youre a soccer fan in Europe.
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