Saturday, March 20, 2010

This Entire Post Is Facebook Updates From Elliot Debonee

its so warm out today. my shotgun mic finally came in after 12 days of hellish shipping from hong hong

allright well, i sent a mediafire link of the video to, hope they can get it on the news.

let the onslaught of elliot debonee advance forword with a crushing force this spring break. im getting some new vids out kids, but be afraid because im a snakebite with no anti-venum and you will be able to overdose on me this spring break...

how does 72 degrees sound for this Saturday, thats what says for burlington. is it summer or is it spring cause it feels like summer

Some idiot getting his SUV toed in Burlington. What a sad day for this guy, guess you should have payed your bills on time, well theirs always next time...that sucker!

my $18 visa rebate card finally came in for my motherboard, it took 3 months, lets go shopping on amazon. componies need the money right now, i help them stay afloat in this bad economey

I need this kid on the blog. Today. Let's overdose on him this spring break.

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