In London to promote his new single Baby and album My World 2.0, the singer appeared on GMTV, where he answered questions from fans about everything from the first song he learned ("Row, Row, Row Your Boat") to his love life. Bieber revealed he's been asked to get hitched "a bunch of times," and even though he may not be walking down the aisle anytime soon, his fans – many of whom were waiting for him at the TV studios – still have a chance of landing a date with the young hunk. Asked if he would go out with one of them, he said, "I think that it just depends – it depends what the situation is. I think that I'm not going to limit myself." One thing is for sure: Bieber's mom won't have to act as chauffeur on any of his dates: "I got a Range Rover for my birthday," he said on the show.
When did My World 1.0 get released? I must've missed it. The bottom line is Bieber has a lot to learn. I'm actually kind of scared for his future because I see a lot of Sellberg in him. They got this young, likeable, weird hair/body thing going on. Seem like good kids to hang out with but then they get this ego out of no where. Like they think they can just date anybody. Maybe they start hanging with this new crew of absolute clowns. Complete assholes. They have these exclusive parties that everybody talks about then you show up and it's like 9 dudes huddled around a N-64 with a 12 rack and like 4 chicks giggling at every punch line. And those 4 chicks are not the ideal 4 chicks you would want to hang out with. They're the 4 girls you see out and you're just like, "eehhhh, blehhh, you're vanilla." You don't ask what they're doing that night because quite frankly, you don't give a fuck if they sink or swim. I don't want this to happen to Bieber. Because nobody likes those dudes except for those 9 dudes who worship each other and it's all a little fruity. What they remember as a "legendy, epic night" is what most of us would call a Thursday. Yeah, they're "those guys."
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