Thursday, March 18, 2010

Matt Cooke Vs. The World

BOSTON -- Coach Claude Julien made it clear after the morning skate that fans should not expect any costly retribution Thursday night when the Bruins face the Pittsburgh Penguins. It will be the first meeting between the teams since March 7, when Matt Cooke laid a blindside hit on Marc Savard, which resulted in a Grade 2 concussion that likely ended Savard's season. "We need the two points," Julien said at TD Garden. "Things need to be done within the rules. Unfortunately, the rules aren't the same as in 1970 and in those days it was a lot different. There were bench-clearing brawls, which you don't see anymore. There was a lot of other things going on and that's what everybody has to understand. "You guys, turn the page here, I've had entough of this."

Tonight's game is all the rage in hockey right now. Will the Bruins retaliate against Matt Cooke for laying out Marc Savard? To be honest with you I don't think the Bruins can. If they wanted to make a statement that time was a week ago when the incident happened. You don't sit and let your emotions boil for this long then come out and lay down some hits. If some goon wants to come and give a cheap shot to Scotty Bouch, you think I'm gonna wait a week to put my stick up their ass? No sir. I'd take the gloves off and settle it like men right there. There's a code in hockey that says protect the skills guys or pay and the Bruins are paying for not reacting immediately. And that's not to say what Cooke did was right, either. He's just a fool. The difference between him and Sean Avery is Sean Avery can actually play when he wants to and his job isn't to go out and hurt people. You can't do that at 5 foot 9. Avery is more of an agitator/pest. Cooke is a goon and nothing more.

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