Sunday, March 21, 2010

Some Jerk Off Proposes to Lady Friend On Bus. Headed To Jersey. Classy, Bro

Commuters might start calling this one the Love Bus. A college student proposed to his girlfriend on a NJ Transit bus at New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal on Thursday. Leora Feigenbaum was on her way home from Manhattan when a Port Authority employee escorted the 20-year-old from the back of the line to the bus. On board, she found flowers, decorations and boyfriend Adam Frohlinger holding an engagement ring. The 21-year-old Long Island, N.Y., resident says he picked the bus because he knew it was the last place his girlfriend would expect a proposal. The two are juniors at Yeshiva University and met while working at a summer camp in upstate New York two summers ago. They're planning an August wedding.

Yeshiva University, huh? Well that explains why our boy proposed on a bus headed to Jersey. What do I mean by that? I see why Yeshiva accepted this couple. I mean what kind of girl says yes to that? Just because it was the last place she'd expect to get engaged doesn't mean you should propose there. I could be at the strip club being showered in tits with Tiger, not expecting a ring on my finger but does that mean it's a prime spot to pop the question? I don't think so. On a side note, it's good to see summer camp relationships lasting. Remember Petey and Mo from that episode of Fat Camp on MTV? Things seemed to get sour over their months apart. I distinctly remember Petey telling the cameras that Marissa did heroine. Such a shame to see young love die so easily.

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