Wednesday, March 24, 2010

NFL Changes OT Rules

The NFL owners voted to change an element in the overtime rule, giving the team that loses the coin toss at the start of overtime to get a possession if the coin-toss winning team scores a field goal with the first possession. The proposal passed 28-4. As it is written, the rules change applies just for the postseason, but the owners also decided to discuss adopting the changes for the regular season at their next meeting, in May in Dallas. The competition committee recommended the change in a vote of 6-2, and commissioner Roger Goodell supported the plan. He was able to secure enough votes to get the proposal passed on Tuesday, a day before the expected Wednesday vote. The reason for the change was the increased accuracy of kickers since 1993. In 1994, the NFL moved kickoffs from the 35 to the 30, which created better field position for the teams that won the coin toss and received the kickoffs.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is like health care. I feel like both of these discussions we're on the way out a month ago then I wake up and it's like BAM! New rules. I don't like it. I think sudden death comes down to the team that wants to win it more, not just the side that gets the ball first. But what do I know? I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

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