WATERTOWN, Mass. -- Cory Kadlik has never let being blind stop him from golfing, skating, learning martial arts or riding a dirt bike. He had his doubts when it came to fencing. "I never even knew this was possible," said Kadlik, 19, of Medway as epees clanged, his teammates whooped in triumph, and coaches barked out instructions in the gym of Perkins School for the Blind. "I'm on Twitter, and I mentioned to my followers and friends that I was going to be in a fencing tournament and I had ten replies saying 'Blind people can fence? Really? No way!' Yeah, anything is possible." Kadlik duels Monday in what's being billed as a first-of-its kind match between students at schools for the blind -- Perkins and The Carroll Center for the Blind in nearby Newton. The match was the brainchild of Perkins fencing instructor Cesar Morales, founder of the International Fencing Club in suburban Boston and also a teacher at the Newton school. Morales said the students got bored fencing against the same people week after week and needed outside challenges.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. A blind kid can use twitter? I always thought John Grady was the pride of Medway, MA but I think Cory just took the title away. Let's cut the shit about the whole tough guy fenching shit, too. Isn't he blind? Why wear the mask? I say get your medieval on and fight like men. An old fashioned dual. It won't matter if you poke one of your eyes out. Just pop that fucker back in and get your braille on!
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