Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday Daily Post - Best Chatroulette Pictures

To many of our followers this may already be well known, but we here at Ugg Boots for Men are avid chatroulette players. It's random, it's hilarious, and it's disgusting. So I can’t see why anybody wouldn’t love it. Now as promised, we’re going to start delivering the top 10 best chatroulette’ers we’ve gotten in the past week or so. So without further ado, we present out top 10 chatroulette pictures:

  1. I personally think it's funny when we get the people asking for dick on chatroulette. We know most people are on here trying to get the odd pair of ugly titties, but a select few dare to ask for the manhood as well.

  2. Great fucking beard. Let's be honest, who doesn’t love beards? Those who can grow them, grow them and those who can’t, dream of one day being able to have such a beard.
  3. I think the people who intentionally set up signs or wear hilarious masks are the best people to get on chatroulette. When you hit next (or in my case, usually get nexted) it's always such a nice surprise to see some funny mask or hilarious set up.
  4. This picture may look somewhat familiar and that’s because it is the same guy. Only difference, he turned around to show the massive tarantula crawling on his back. He asked me “do you like spiders?” and then turned around to show that monster. Terrifying, yes I know.
  5. I just think this guy is really funny looking. He looks like a combination of Stanley Tucci from The Lovely Bones and Matt Damon in The Informant!. Oh, and great ‘stache.

  6. No idea what it is or why I think it's funny. But seriously, you know you laughed.
  7. Awesome. First off, it's awesome that this person even owns a Stormtrooper helmet. Second, its awesome that this person sits on chatroulette with said Stormtrooper helmet just to make people laugh. And third, looks like it might be a chick. Nice
  8. It's widely known that many people on chatroulette are blazed out of their minds. But never have I been so certain that I had a chatroulette’er who was so stoned he was seeing shit. He can barely open his eyes and do we need to discuss how awesome those dreads are? Thank you sir, you are a legend.
  9. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha. This dude just rocks.

    And now the wait is over, the number 1 picture from chatroulette is...

  1. Yes, I got a guy doing coke on chatroulette. First off, this isn’t 1987, who does coke anyway? Second, who the fuck does coke on chatroulette? Smoking a bowl is fun and everybody loves it, but nobody loves watching you do coke on the internet. Now I understand chances are this tool bag can’t afford coke and he’s probably snorting children’s tylenol, but regardless, creepy bro. Awesome, but kinda creepy.

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