Thursday, March 18, 2010

Police Keep Bothering Old Couple. Walter's Blood Pressure At All Time High

An elderly Brooklyn couple say they're tired of hearing the phrase, "Police! Open up!" World War II veteran Walter Martin and his 82-year-old wife, Rose, say police have come looking for criminals at their house about 50 times in the past eight years. It's not clear why. The New York Daily News says its computer search showed 15 other people living at the Marine Park address. The Martins don't know any of them. Inspector Ed Mullen says the NYPD's identity theft squad is investigating. Earlier this week, officers pounded on both their front and back doors. Walter Martin, who's 83, says they're respectful -- but it still makes his blood pressure soar.

Gotta love old people. They always have the last little zinger in their explanation. The cops we're respectful but they made poor Walter's blood pressure soar. It's like, "yeah the movie was good, but my feet are so swollen they're starting to smell like old asparagus." And when did naming a child Walter go out of style? I feel like you won't find a person under the age of 65 named Walter and it's a damn shame. Same with Rose for the females. Just because of this I'm gonna name my kids Stanley, Frank, and Addison. Tough guy Addie as he'll be known around the streets. He'll roam around with a top hat, cane and corn cob pipe.

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