Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How's a Line Drive to the Chest Feel?

Minnesota Twins leadoff man Denard Span hit a foul ball that struck his mom in the chest during Wednesday's game. She was treated by paramedics and back in the stands minutes later. Wanda Wilson was wearing a Span jersey and sitting with about 20 family members and friends near the third-base dugout.

Damn, i dont know many people that can take a line drive right to the chest and be back minutes later. I bet Denard was just getting back at his mom for that one time when he was eleven and she didnt let him sleep over his friends house. "Yeah, take that" he says. Seriously though what are the chances of that? Poor Mrs. Span is going to be terrified every time she goes to a game now. Shoulda bought the cheap seats.

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