Wednesday, August 11, 2010

People Keep Asking What I Think About This

I don't really see the big deal here. First of all, the boyfriend was an idiot before the foul ball based on the clothes he selected to wear to the game. What kind of hat is that? Zoo York? You go to a baseball game, probably have an array of fitted hats and you don't rock an Astros cap? Weak, bro. Weak. And what's this chick complaining about? Listen baby girl, you wanna sit in the seat closest to the kitchen then be prepared to catch a little burn.  Plus she's like a 6. Not even cute. In my book you gotta be a 7.5 or higher for me to give a shit about. So yeah the dude is an asshole for being a pussy and not catching the ball but the chick is ugly so she doesn't really have any rights as far as I'm concerned. Hitting her in the face could only help her looks.

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