Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tom Brady Calls Linemen a Bunch Of Fat Cows

Patriots QB Tom Brady has always been close with his linemen. He once famously held off doing a national commercial until his bodyguards would be included, and center Dan Koppen is one of his best friends. So it was odd a few days ago when Brady ripped into his linemen in a rant that was both rare and absolutely hilarious. Yahoo! Sports’ Michael Silver, who arrived in Foxboro this week and wrote this and this, tells the story about how Brady called his guys — seriously — fat cows.
Yeah, I know – it wasn’t my finest moment,Brady said told Silver Tuesday night. “I got a little heated, and I was surprised that came out of my mouth. Someone said to me later, ‘Tom, did you really call us fat cows in the huddle?’ I started laughing. But at the time, it wasn’t funny.”
Tough to hear that and not laugh. But Silver, who has written several features on Brady over the years, uses it to show how serious Brady is for the season. 

Listen, I can totally relate because when you're on top of your game you want nothing but perfection from your guys. When Scotty Bouch was on the payroll you think I complimented him on every blog? I did but only after I broke him down to nothing so I could build him into exactly what I wanted. Nay, exactly what I needed. Yeah, it's hard to hear that you're blogging like a homo and reading your words is worse than getting stabbed with sowing needles but it only makes it better when we sit down in a tux and I toast a bottle of whiskey to you. Tom Terrific wants perfection from the guys who cover his ass just like I want it from anyone who represents Ogling Ed Hochuli. I get it.

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