Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rihanna's New Tat

Everybody knows the golden rule of getting tattoo's is: don't get something in another language. Way too many dbags have some lame Japanese symbol on their arm that they think says "Courage and Strength" but in reality is "Likes Balls Deep in Me". When I first heard Rihanna got a tattoo, I figured it was on her face to cover up those bruise Cbreezy left her (too soon?) but instead it was on the side of her neck.

rihanna new tattoo
The site Popeater (great site check it out) explains:

"The music superstar's newest ink reads "rebelle fleur," but someone forgot to tell the 'Rude Boy' singer that in French, adjectives typically follow the nouns they modify. To translate as "rebel flower," which we assume is what she intended, that tattoo should read "fleur rebelle."

I took 4 years of French through high school so I was immediately insulted by Ri-ri for her insulting the beautiful language. Rihanna, you're a dumbass. Keep blowing Matt Kemp so he hits home runs for my fantasy team.

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