Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lebron James Is So Silly. Oh. He's Serious?

The story looks at the weeks leading up to and just after his July 8 announcement on ESPN -- on a show titled "The Decision," which was widely panned. James said he wouldn't change anything about how he made his decision, or how he told the world about it. James told GQ: "I understand that a lot of people would be hurt" in Cleveland by his decision, but also said that growing up, he and his friends from Akron didn't always like Cleveland. Akron is about 40 miles south of Cleveland. "It's not far, but it is far," James told GQ. "And Clevelanders, because they were the bigger-city kids when we were growing up, looked down on us. ... So we didn't actually like Cleveland. We hated Cleveland growing up. There's a lot of people in Cleveland we still hate to this day." James said he'll remain anchored in Akron. "I'm going to spend a lot of the summer here," he said. "This is my home. Akron, Ohio, is my home. I will always be here. I'm still working out at my old high school." And he said Cleveland fans were "awesome," but didn't take back his comment late last season that those around him were "spoiled" by his play. "I love our fans. Cleveland fans are awesome," he told GQ. "But I mean, even my family gets spoiled at times watching me doing things that I do, on and off the court." 

Enough with the argument that we would all love Lebron if he played for our team and we're just jealous and yada yada yada. It's such a cheap way of ignoring the real flaws in Lebron as a man. I really don't give a shit that he picked Miami. It wouldn't be my ideal choice to end your career as a legend but that's really not the point. It's the way that Lebron went about announcing his decision, making it into some big spectacle and coming out of it half the person that he was before it aired. His stock plummeted over night like Tiger. I'm more pissed off I got sucked into watching every minute of The Decision than I am with his actual choice. The bottom line is Lebron has gone off the deep end. His family gets spoiled by watching him play? Are you fucking kidding me? How big does ones ego have to be to make it seem like your own flesh and blood, the people who made you what you are today, are spoiled by watching you put a ball in a hoop? It's crazy but the shocking truth is Lebron is so fucking serious when he says this shit. He's on a different planet and I don't know if we'll ever get him to come down.

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