Monday, August 16, 2010

K-Rod Injures Thumb In Fight. So Does The Father In Law Win?

HOUSTON -- New York Mets closer Francisco Rodriguez suffered a torn ligament in his right thumb while allegedly striking the grandfather of his children last week at Citi Field, a team official said, and he is done for the season. Rodriguez, who pitched Saturday with discomfort in his return from a two-day team suspension, was examined Monday at the Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan. Team doctors recommended surgery, but a date for the procedure has yet to be scheduled.  "Obviously I'm disappointed, discouraged, frustrated," Mets manager Jerry Manuel said. "When you get this kind of news it's ... we've just been through a lot. We seem to continue to have difficulties keeping things from -- having these type of injuries or these type of setbacks. Every year it seems like we get a little something here or there." Manuel didn't dispute that Rodriguez will miss the rest of the season but said he didn't know how much longer beyond that it will take for the reliever to recover. Rodriguez was charged with third-degree assault and second-degree harassment as a result of the incident in the family room at Citi Field last Wednesday. "You can make the assumption that the injury resulted from the incident last week," the official said.

I wanted to blog about this story when it initially happened but I knew there would be something more to. Some sort of fall out like his father in law knocked up his mom or K-Rod ended up injuring himself in the fight. Well, K-rod injured himself in the fight and there's no excuses for that. It's the main reason why I only get into scuffles during the off-season. I need these thumbs for the fall and winter months when the fans need some blogs to warm their souls. But the summer? Pshhhh. Whatever. I'll get on here 12 beers deep sometimes and start whipping up shit that makes no sense. This fight just seemed silly and unnecessary. I may stand for a lot of things but fighting within the family is not one of them. Imagine thanksgiving next year. K-rod's poor father in law is gonna be watching over his back every 3 minutes because he's scared of getting cold cocked in the middle of the kitchen. That's tension that's not needed on turkey day.

P.S. Is it just me or does K-Rod look like a brown Togs? Wait, is Togs mexican? Are mexicans brown? Are they even considered humans? This is going waaayyy too far.

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