Thursday, August 26, 2010

Was I Right Or Was I Right?

PARAMUS, N.J. -- Tiger Woods finally looked like the No. 1 player in the world.  In his first tournament since his divorce, Woods played his best round of the year Thursday at The Barclays by missing only one fairway, putting for birdie on all but two holes and shooting a 6-under 65 for his lowest score all season."It feels good to be able to control my ball all day like this," Woods said. Woods' confidence was evident in another way -- his belief that the record he set as a goal long ago is still attainable. Asked after his post-round news conference if he still believes he will break Jack Nicklaus' record of 18 major titles, Woods told's Ian O'Connor, "Absolutely." "I look at it this way," Woods said, "[Ben] Hogan won all nine of his [majors] at my age and older. I think for every kid out there, the goal is to get there. That is the benchmark in our sport, and that's still my goal."

Tiger is finally talking like Tiger. In other words, he found his balls again and he's gonna use them. Does he think he's gonna crush Nicklaus' record of 18 major titles? "Absolutely." Boom. Not maybe, not possibly. Absolutely. He's back motherfuckers. No more stressing about the amount of money he's gonna have to pay and if more rumors spreading will affect it. That shit is all over now. The check has been written and all he cares about is winning majors and spending times with the children(and gambling with mj, staying at the bar late, calling in booty calls at 3 AM). It's like he go this mojo back. The short tempered, hard headed(heyooo) egotistical Tiger has re-emerged and I love it. It's clear he was simply stressing over his lady. He went through the cycle of wondering if Elin will take him back and when she finally said "fuck you, it's over" a weight was lifted.

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