Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NCAA Denies Jeremiah Masoli's Waiver

Everybody remembers Jeremiah Masoli as Oregon's star QB who was suddenly kicked off the team after multiple run ins with law enforcement. Dumbass, I mean Jeremiah, Masoli was first suspended after pleading guilty to theft of a fraternity house, and was later removed from the team after a possession of marijuana charge.

Jeremiah Masoli oregon college football ole miss
Masoli had finished his undergraduate degree but had one year left of eligibility. Masoli enrolled as a graduate student at Ole Miss and the NCAA will usually waive the one year sit out when the player declares a major at his new school not offered at his former. Masoli was a shoe in to be the starter at Ole Miss until the news he was ruled ineligible. He will be able to practice with the squad and play next. year.

Masoli and Ole Miss will appeal the ruling.

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