Monday, August 9, 2010

Taylor Momsen Talks About Justin Bieber, Her Vibrator and Priests

Taylor Momsen did an interview with a New Zealand radio show and talked about everything from banging priests to Justin Bieber to her vibrator. The 17-year-old girl has gone off the deep end and is giving Miley Cyrus all she can handle in the "underage girls who act the sluttiest" contest. Momsen (aka Little J) has her own band, The Pretty Reckless, which will release their 1st album on August 31st and recently released this controversial cover for it. Here are some of the quotes from the interview. Audio is below.
On why her band Pretty Reckless wrote a song about the Catholic church's pedo scandal: "I was raised Catholic. I fucked a priest once. Just kidding."

On the pictures of her crotch being all over the internet: "I don't take [any of the stories about me] to heart; I just look at it this way: My fucking tampon's on the goddamn Internet."

On wearing a friendship bracelet from her vibrator: "It doesn't talk back to me, so it's really not a best friend ... I'm not a whore for masturbating, so fuck you if you want to call me one. I think women should equally be allowed to pleasure themselves as much as men. I think that if that has any more controversy than a man talking about pleasuring himself, then there's something wrong with the world."

On the most famous fetus in the world Justin Bieber: "I don't know who Justin Bieber is. I only know his name because it keeps being brought up to me. I listen to Led Zeppelin and The Beatles, so I have no idea who he is. That's not a dis; I just don't know."

I'm all for hot underage girls acting slutty but when they claim to not know who Justin Bieber is that's where I draw the line. My grandma knows who Justin Bieber is. The mentally challenged kids from The Ringer know who he is. Taylor Momsen needs to stop doing so much coke and just focus on being a bitchy/somewhat classy high school character instead of trying to be Courtney Love.

How do you go from this...

taylor momsen pretty reckless interview vibrator justin bieber
To this...

taylor momsen pretty reckless interview vibrator justin bieber
Someone please explain that to me.


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