Thursday, August 5, 2010

Real World Live Blog Returns! Real World Live Blog Return

-Opening scene has a giant cockroach crawling on the ceiling. Someone asks who the man in the house is. Not the muscley black guy, not the frat hockey player, but gay Preston jumps on the chair and kills it. He then throws the cockroach under Ryan's pillow. Oh no he didn't!

-Ryan says he heard rumors of Preston messing with his toothbrush. Eric(nice black guy with kind eyes) tells him about his toothbrush being rubbed in the toilet. Ryan says he is "soooo frustrated." He steals Preston's beanie and throws is out. That's a grown man move!

-Ryan then asks Knight(bro hockey player) if he knows about Preston's prank. He knows but he doesn't admit it. Says "No, that's fucking disgusting. If you're gonna go home you should knock him the fuck out." Hilarious. Homie wants to see a fight. Don't blame him.

-Knight says "You should wait out by the gate and crack him as soon as he walks in!" Love this kid.

-Ryan stands in the road like a princess. All the roommates are watching from the balcony like a prize fight.

-Ryan confronts Preston and gets all up in his grill. I mean ALL up in his grill. I don't know how you don't throw a punch if you're Preston. Don't care if you're a homo or not. You yell at me from point blank, you're hitting the floor. Rondo would def had thrown a haymaker.

-Ryan is screaming, "I should knock you the fuck out." Ya, you should. But you won't. You should but you're scared.

-The fight ends with Ryan screaming all angry, "You should apologize!" Way to settle that, fellas. Good fight. Knight comments that he's seen chicks fight harder than that.

-"Being around Preston is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do" Really? The hardest thing you ever had to do was live in a mansion in New Orleans and party every night? Really? Tough life.

-The 2nd plot in the episode revolves around the middle eastern broad and her dream of being a singer. Is it mandatory for MTV to cast an aspiring singer on every season of Real World? So boring. Just show me clips of them in the bar and fighting in the street.

-Ryan didn't know Preston pissed on his toothbrush. He thought it was only thrown in the toilet bowl. Here we go again. Ryan tells himself to not take it personally and it's nothing against him. No, dude. This gay kid went out of his way to whip out his dong and personally urinate on your toothbrush. Doesn't get much more personal than that.

-Jemmye tells Ryan he handled the situation very well. Wait. What? Throwing a temper tantrum in the road and threatening to knock somebody out is handling a situation very well? I'd look like Mother Teresa to this bitch.

-Ryan calls his mom and tells her about Preston pissing on his toothbrush. Just beat the shit out of the kid already. Something creeps me out about this kid and can't put a finger on it. I wouldn't him let me near my cat, that's for damn sure.

-Some singer chick sends an E-mail to Sahar and tells her to come to her kitchen. You can take that in about 5 different ways and none of them would be wrong.

-Ryan calls the police to press charges against Preston. He describes him as 6'3'', wears glasses, short hair,"

-Cops show up. Can't believe I'm watching this right now. I can watch reality television up to a point where I get pissed off at every character on the show. I'm at that point. Cops tell Preston they're not arresting him but they wanna take him in for questioning. You can't do that. Preston has obviously pissed on many toothbrushes before. He knows the law.

-Ryan says he's never been so happy and relived. I got a feeling Preston is gonna piss in his eyes next time.

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